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Sample Research Paper: What is a PR Plan?

A PR plan is a business document that contains an organization’s PR objectives and programs. Read this article to learn more about PR plans, their contents, and their purpose.

Differences Between a PR Plan and a Marketing/Advertising Plan

Since PR plans and marketing plans involve building relationships with the public, many consider the two as synonymous. However, there is a distinction between a PR plan and a marketing plan. Read this article to learn more about their differences.

How to Write a PR Plan?

A PR plan is a business document that contains the action and communication strategies that will allow a company to develop better public relations. Read this article to learn how to write a PR plan.

Sample Research Paper: Public Relations and Sample Cases of Successful Crisis Management

Public relations is often mistaken as a marketing technique despite it being an entirely different practice. Here's an easy guide for you to understand public relations better with prominent case studies related to the industry.

Sample Public Relations Plan: Fundraising for ABC University

A PR plan is an organizational tool that can help a company acquire a better public image and achieve PR-related goals. Read this sample public relations plan to learn more about writing the document.