The Roles of Mass Media in Learning ESL

EntertainmentCulture and Lifestyle
Jan 30, 2020

In modern times, we live in a world with many benefits developed for optimum use to make life easier. The advancements of technology to this day has been helpful in all aspects of life. Mass media has become accessible to anyone who has a smartphone and laptop. But then again, even without those two things, mass media is all around us - in the streets, in our office, and even inside our home. It is the easiest way to connect to the world and be aware of what goes on even on the other side of it. The role of mass media revolves around connectivity, specifically:

The Roles of Mass Media in Learning ESL 

What is Mass Media?

As its name suggests, mass media refers to various mediums which main role is to inform and educate the masses or the general public. It is the source of information, news, and entertainment, and it is generally accepted with ease by the people. Mass media is consumed almost on a day-to-day basis. It is a tool that accompanies almost everyone in their daily activities. As an example, a person cannot avoid scrolling through their social media accounts while waiting for something, they read a newspaper during breakfast, or listen to the radio while driving, and this behavior demonstrates the impact of mass media on people. Consciously or subconsciously, mass media plays a role in everyone’s lives and it shapes the perception of the general public. 

However, nowadays, mass media is no longer limited to general consumption. Some people take the initiative of using it to their benefit in many scenarios. This depends on the type of mass media and their relevance to day-to-day life. With the death of one medium comes another, and it will always be appropriated to one’s favor. 

What are the different types and roles of mass media?

  1. Traditional Media.  This type of mass media is used before the age of technology. It is mostly aligned with the culture, beliefs, traditions, and customs of the general public. Traditional Media is often seen now in the form of stage productions, art, sculptures, and storytelling. 
  2. Print Media. Print media is still apparent today through newspapers, magazines, novels, journals, and even comic books. It is made available through a printing press and mass distribution. It is among the most popular and still relevant types of mass media today. 
  3. Digital Media.  The most utilized type of mass media is digital media. Digital media is the dissemination of news and information through websites, social media, podcasts, blogs, email, forums, and many others. Almost every necessary information can be accessed through digital media because of its portability and convenience. It is also called New Media.
  4. Electronic Broadcasting Media. This type of medium is distributed through audio and visual platforms, so that includes radio, television, movies, music, and even video games. This form of mass media allows an easier consumption of information and news because it relies heavily on the auditory and visual senses. It appeals considerably to the general public. 
  5. Outdoor Media. Otherwise known as Out-Of-Home or OOH Media, Outdoor Media commonly takes the form of advertisements found outside the home. This type of mass media transmits information and news through generally through billboards, bulletins, skywriting, banners, signs, placards, and many more.
  6. Transit Media. This type of media is found most commonly in public transportation systems. It aims to drive home a message as it disseminates information and news. It takes the form of bus, taxi, railway, and transit shelter advertising. 

All of these different types of mass media is apparent in people’s lives for consumption and distribution. There is no denying that mass media plays an impactful role in shaping society as it is today. 

The Impact of Mass Media

Mass media has been among the most significant driving force in the modern world. As it progress, mass media takes on many forms and develops through the times. The different types of mass media, whether it is written, spoken, or broadcast will always reach a wide audience. 

The fundamental objective of mass media is to inform and educate the public. That said, mass media impacts the shaping and forming of the general public’s opinion and views towards worldly discussions and issues. It helps preserve and transmit the culture and values of the common people through time.  As digital media take hold of the role as the most common form of mass media, the impact of it becomes more obvious by creating a global platform that brings people together. 

The Roles of Mass Media in Learning ESL

ESL, or English as a Second Language, is one particular skill essential in the professional world. Many foreigners have learned ESL or just basic English through the help of mass media even without being aware of it. The subconscious consumption of mass media in its English form has help people, children or adults, learn the language even in the slightest. That said, mass media can play a vital role in ESL classrooms. 

Teaching ESL through the various types of mass media can make the learning and teaching process easier. Which begs the question, how can each type of mass media be utilized in teaching ESL? Read on if you want to know.


The role of mass media in teaching ESL is focused on exposure. At a young age, many children learned to casually speak in English because they watch television and most of the shows they are exposed to probably speak in English. It will not be fluent English right away, but it is enough to spark an interest or common understanding of the language. Once they start school it will be easier to acquire the language if its part of the school curriculum. Exposure at a young age is helpful, but it does not stop there. Adult learners have as much advantage over learning ESL with their more developed auditory and visual skills, along with their literacy. Adults are more capable of enjoying the different media forms as they are more keen on detail. 

Through a conscious or subconscious exposure to mass media, the English language will be easier to acquire by anyone who’s seeking to learn it. Print Media, Electronic Broadcast Media, and Digital Media are the best types of Mass Media in this language acquisition method. Watching, listening, and reading materials in English on top of formal ESL education will surely hit the mark in mastering conversational English


Learn ESL by getting involved and engaged in discussions using the English language. If you are already aware of the fundamentals of English and can somehow compose sentences and phrases in English, fluent or not, then practice that skill by being engaging in casual conversation with native English speakers or fellow ESL learners. Learn through experience as they say. There are apps available for ESL learners to use in order to learn and communicate in English if you are not entirely ready for a conversation without the training wheels. 

Getting engaged is best suited for Digital Media. When you go online, there are different ways for you to communicate and converse with diverse people. You are free to speak with people from different countries - kind of like a multicultural classroom setup . Feel free to look up anything that you are interested in and write comments or posts about it in English. The internet has a way of making the world a bit smaller by connecting you even to those in the far corners of the globe granted that they have a WiFi connection. 

Pop Culture

Pop culture is distributed and expanded to the general public through Mass Media. Many people take an interest in pop culture because it is usually made available to everyone, hence how it becomes popular. Most pop culture references and information are from American personalities and production. The English language is a key player if you want to be up to date with all the news and information shared through pop culture. Interest in pop culture means you will take interest in learning ESL for better consumption of the goods. 

All types of mass media will play a role in learning ESL through pop culture. Pop culture is apparent through any medium. It begins in one medium and will likely spread to another once it gains momentum and has captured the general public’s attention. For example, a series is gaining popularity, soon after it will likely get a soundtrack available on music streaming platforms, billboards of the show will appear everywhere to attract more viewers, and it will likely be a topic of discussion by many people on the internet. Pop culture fuels the general public’s interest in learning the language associated with it. 


A person can be interested in a lot of things, including music, TV shows, films, theater, and books - all of which are accessed through mass media. Proper utilization of these interests can be essential in learning ESL, especially if they are all produced in the English language. Having access to information about your interest through mass media is a privilege that everyone should practice. It can be said that having these interests is the root of both being exposed and engaged in mass media. 

Use these interests as tools to further your understanding of the language. Keep reading, listening, and watching the things that fuel your driver to learn English, and even use it to your advantage by letting it be the subject of your formal ESL education. You can suggest to your ESL teacher to have a discussion about things that interest you or write a simple essay or article about the things that you love. By doing so, learning ESL will become even more exciting for you because you are associating learning with fun. 


Formal education is first and foremost essential in learning ESL, but it’s not the type of education referred to in this post. Most people can’t afford formal education for learning ESL, so they seek cheaper alternatives. Learning ESL on your own is now made available through mass media. There are different avenues available anywhere if you know where to look. It can be through watching YouTube channel tutorials, listening to language learning podcasts, learning through apps, and watching or reading a self-help DVD or book. 

Most forms of mass media can be used to educate yourself about ESL. Mass media has made it easier to learn English by spending less to none. If you have the patience and drive to teach yourself ESL then you will be happy to know that the resources you require are easily attainable. Be sure to utilize every role mass media can play in your ESL learning journey, so you have the best time while acquiring a new language. Education doesn’t necessarily have to be a complicated process, there are many ways for it to be interesting for anyone.

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There is no doubt mass media has a role to play in our daily activities and it is up to us how we can utilize it to our advantage. Mass media has the ability to manipulate the general public’s opinion but for an educated mind, it can be a tool to greater ideas and help you be more inclined with your sense of self. Opportunity awaits through mass media, and it can be among the significant tools for ESL learners to boost them to fluency in the English language. If you seek assistance with your ESL education, then allow mass media to play a role in your learning. Otherwise, you can also approach us here at CustomEssayMeister. We are a team of writing assistance professionals who are more than willing to support you in your ESL journey and education. Our expert pool of writers is ready to take on any writing assignment you have for them, may it be essays or even research papers. Let us know what you need and we’ll surely have a suitable writer for you. Let us write your paper for you as you enjoy the role of mass media in learning ESL.

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