Sample Argumentative Essay: Why it is Important to Teach Literature in School

Essay Argumentative Essay

The IELTS exam is a major requirement for people who wish to work in countries where English is an official language. IELTS, which stands for International English Language Testing System, evaluates the English skills of a person in four domains: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Meanwhile, an argumentative essay is a type of essay whose purpose is to advance a specific claim by supporting it with credible evidence and sound reasoning. Assuming an objective stance and utilizing scholarly sources are essential to writing this paper since this project heavily relies on facts and reasons. Since the IELTS exam tests writing, examinees are required to produce short essays on a specific topic. This sample is representative of the kind of write-up required by the IELTS exam. It discusses why teaching literature in school is important.

In many ways, the world today is a product of the sciences. After all, modern technologies like the internet, safe and rapid transportation , and advanced methods of production are essential to globalization . The prominent role of the sciences gives weight to the notion that the focus of education should be on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics courses or STEM courses for short. This notion, in turn, has led to an increase in resources allocated to teaching these courses. The change in allocation, however, often comes at the expense of other courses like those that fall under the humanities like literature, which some have come to view as inessential or unimportant. But nothing could be further from the truth. Schools should continue teaching literature in school because it benefits cognitive and linguistic development, promotes tolerance, and supplements other fields of study.

One of the reasons why teaching literature in school is important is its benefits to cognitive and linguistic development. Reading as a skill is of vital and fundamental importance. The capacity to read a text, understand its meaning, and analyze its content are competencies whose necessity goes beyond daily life and extends throughout the lifespan. But reading as an exercise can sometimes come across as tedious, especially for younger people. Literature offers a solution. Encouraging students to read age-appropriate literature can foster their reading skills in an engaging way, thus making the learning process more efficient. As Stan notes, “By using literary texts, students learn new words, syntax and discourse functions and they learn correct sentence patterns, standard story structures. They develop their writing skills” (Stan, 2015, p. 455). The practical benefits of reading literature is an excellent reason why this practice should be considered as indispensable in the curriculum. Indeed, in an age where misinformation on the internet is used to actively manipulate people, using literature to enhance students’ comprehension becomes more important than ever.

Apart from its effects on cognitive development, teaching literature is also important because of its ability to promote tolerance. Most literature comprises fictional works. But this does not mean that they cannot teach valuable lessons. Indeed, the fact that good literature can serve as a reflection of the real world allows it to function as a lens through which the reader can gather a better understanding of human nature and society. Consider, for instance, how the theme of racism in Uncle Tom’s Cabin helped readers comprehend the evils of slavery. As educators are well-aware, literature exposes readers to a rich world of diverse experiences, cultures, perspectives, and worldviews (Osieja, 2015). There are excellent reasons why some of the oldest works of literature remain relevant to this day. Their ability to mirror the human condition makes them timeless and therefore essential to a formal education in the modern world. Quite simply, reading literature compels students to be more curious and critical. 

Finally, teaching literature is important because it supplements other fields of study. A good work of literature is like a snapshot of a society in a particular point in space and time. For this reason, literature offers insights that can be invaluable to other fields of study (Pope, 2012). Take for instance the works of Jane Austen like Pride and Prejudice . This novel is not merely a charming, witty, and funny story of how the Bennet sisters come to marry, but it is also a keen of portrait social and gender relations in early 19th century England. In the same way, something short and simple like Kate Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour” is used as a supplement in the study of the early struggle for feminism and gender equality. Literature, therefore, can lend light to other fields like history, sociology, and politics among many others.

Contrary to views that literature is not important and hence should not be the focus of education, literature is actually invaluable to the complete education of every student. More than just giving students many hours of enjoyment, literature promotes cognitive and linguistic development, promotes tolerance, and supplements learning in other fields. Reading literature is not done merely for pleasure. Hence, it is not dispensable. It is to the interest of any society that wishes to foster the holistic development of its people.

Although argumentative essays are among the most commonly assigned coursework in school, students should never forget that there are other types of essays that they are required to complete. These include compare and contrast, cause and effect, narrative, and persuasive essays. If this is much too tall of an order for you, get custom-written essays that meet your needs from a professional writer here at CustomEssaymeister.


Osieja, H. (2015). Literature as a means to foster tolerance and respect. Journal of Literature and Art Studies, 5 . DOI:10.17265/2159-5836/2015.07.008

Pope, R. D. (2012). The importance of literature history in a cultural context. Hispania, 95(3), xvi-xvii.

Stan, R. V. (2015). The importance of literature in primary school pupils’ development and personal growth. Proceedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 180, 454-459.

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