Is a lockdown an effective means of fighting Coronavirus COVID19?

Writing Guides Research Paper
May 8, 2020

A controversial topic

A topic of Covid19 is clearly a very controversial topic today.  The virus of COVID19 has taken the world by storm. It has polarised society. There are groups that support lockdowns and are strongly convinced that every single person on the planet must be tested for COVID19 before anything else. They back up the politicians that implement lockdowns, argue their effectiveness. Similarly, there are millions of people that have become very hostile to the idea of a lockdown. Such people have initiated protests in many states throughout the US. In this article we are going to look at both sides of the argument and study how the topic of Coronavirus and lockdowns opens up fantastic opportunities for argumentative essay writing.

Who decides whether or not a lockdown should be administered in a country?

Generally, the government of a country is to decide whether or not to implement a lockdown. The government also decides the extent of the lockdown to be instituted and the severity and strictness of the lockdown measures. It is decided by politicians, political forces and health care influencers in each individual country and globally. Among such influencers, of course, is the World Health Organisation and its Chief Mr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who originates from Ethiopia. For example, in this article the WHO stipulates 6 conditions when a lockdown should be lifted.

What the statistics says

It has turned into a real informational war. An average person has access to the statistics that he finds on Google. If you type in "Coronavirus stats" in Google, you will immediately see the data provided by Google.

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