How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay

Types of EssaysCause and Effect Essay
Jul 12, 2018

You’re here because you want to know how to write a cause and effect essay . You now ask yourself: is knowing how to write a cause and effect essay really that complicated? You are confused because since grade school until now, you have encountered “cause and effect” countless times already and you’re confident that you know all about it. Well, you are correct. The cause is defined as reason and effect is the result. Your understanding of the meaning of cause and effect may be right, but writing a cause and effect essay is quite different. After you’ve read this, you will have already educated yourself on how to write a cause and effect essay.

How to Write a Cause and Effect Essay


Research and write down information

If you have decided on a topic, begin with thorough research about it and list all the necessary information from reliable sources . Make an analysis of all the gathered causes and effects and study the strength of their connections to each other. This will make you determine the specific causes and effects that you want to focus on and write about. The stronger the connections are, the better for your thesis statement and in general, for your essay.

Construct the outline 

Once you have all the information you need for your cause and effect essay, you can start preparing an outline. Outlining them will make the writing easier. There are two conventional methods:

  • First is the block method and its sequence goes like this:
    Introduction --> Cause 1 --> Cause 2 --> Transition Paragraph --> Effect 1 --> Effect 2 --> Conclusion
  • The second method is the chain:
    I ntroduction --> Cause 1 --> Effect of Cause 1 --> Cause 2 --> Effect of Cause 2 --> Conclusion

Following the same format of both methods, you may also choose to discuss the effect first before the cause.

The writing part:

  • Introduction - Like other forms of essay, the introduction should provide the background of the topic and a glimpse of what will be read and discussed in the essay. It includes a short overview of the causes and why there is a need to know and fully understand the effects. Imagine the trailer of a movie. The introduction should be like that. And finally, the end of the introduction should contain the essay’s thesis statement.
  • The body – Depending on the word count requirement, it is highly advisable that you construct at least two arguments and analyses containing the two causes and their corresponding effects. When discussing a particular effect, it is a must that you repeatedly point back to the cause in order to prove the strength of their connection. That way, the reader will be able to clearly understand the cause and effect.
  • Strong transitions within the body – The paragraphs should be smoothly connected to each other to further prove the thesis statement and the connections of causes and effects. A body paragraph’s first sentence should be the continuation of the preceding one’s last sentence. When they are read continuously, they should resemble a logical, effective, powerful transition.
  • The perfect conclusion – The impact of the conclusion determines the success of the entire essay. It’s the part that is instrumental in convincing the reader about the credibility of your essay. It summarizes all the points made and proves the validity of the thesis statement . Although you have done this in the body, it’s equally important that you do this in the conclusion. Repeat and remind about the essay’s general message and the main points in order to give the reader an even deeper understanding of the topic.

Now that you have finished your essay’s first draft, do not forget the importance of reading, rereading, revising and enhancing.

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